Have enough grace for yourself

“Stop trying to run on an empty tank.”

My biggest lessons about who I am as a woman, what I will and won’t tolerate – have shown themselves through the cracks of my flaws as a human being.

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Thing is we all lie. May not be to those we live alongside daily but to our followers on social media about the pretentious lives we live in front of a lens for a 15 second snap.

Thing is we all steal. May not be physically but we thieve people of the opportunity to share their story because we want the focus to be on ourselves for 2 more minutes.

Thing is we all compare. May not say it out loud but these comparisons influence the way we act, talk and dress.

Thing is we cheat. Doesn’t always have to be sexual but if we were honest with ourselves and checked our intentions we know we are only playing ourselves when no one else is looking.

None of us in any way, shape or measure will ever be perfect.

We can pray in the mornings before we leave the house and forget we asked God to help us be better people when looking in the face of temptation because it’s easier to comply than take the higher road.

However if there is anything I am speaking over you and I as we step into 2019 it is this.

Have enough grace for yourself. 

Have enough grace for yourself to know that your 2018 doesn’t determine who you will be tomorrow and in the future.

Have enough grace for yourself to say “no” to social gatherings that will compromise the opportunity for you to stay in and fill up your own love cup. I.e: Doing things you actually enjoy doing.

Have enough grace for yourself to eat a PHAT slice of cake and not train the next day because your body is your most loyal and consistent companion in life. (Shout out to Arieta Rika for teaching me that!)

Have enough grace for yourself to start that degree even if you’re taking it one unit at a time and won’t graduate for another 4 years.

Have enough grace for yourself to be proud of all you have accomplished and not let that pride be dimmed by comparison or competition.

Have enough grace for yourself to dream bigger than the amount of money currently in your account.

Have enough grace for yourself to let your voice be heard even if it’s shaking to begin with.

Have enough grace for yourself to believe that you are enough in every sphere of life.

Have enough grace for yourself to understand that every single part of you is worthy and valid despite what your insecurities say about your level of intelligence.

Often we tend to think we don’t deserve God’s or life’s best because well, the reasons vary from individual to individual. However this type of mentality not only hinders the way we perceive life but eventually will rid us of our joy.

So how do you practically apply this principle of having enough grace for yourself? Here’s how:

Be kind to yourself.
Over and over again.

When we do this, we give ourselves permission.

We give ourselves permission to be.

We give ourselves permission to dare greatly.

We give ourselves permission to bravely move out of our comfort zones.

We give ourselves permission to pursue the very things our hearts desire.

We give ourselves permission to be better and not harbour bitterness.

This permission will enable the purest form of self-love to enter our lives and in turn, allow us to live life from a place of love rather than fear.

So next time guilt or comparison comes knocking remind yourself of this beautiful mantra from Winnie-the-Pooh:

Image result for you re doing better than you think you are winnie the pooh quote

Let’s make this year different by committing to be kinder to ourselves more than we’ve ever been before.

2019, show me what you have in store!

Blessings and love,

PS: Did you like this post? If you did, please click on Contact to leave me a line.





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